When You Feel Like Giving Up On IG: Check Your Mindset

Is Your Mindset Holding You Back From Growing Your Instagram Platform?


Can I be really honest with you?


I struggle with my mindset a lot. Some days more than others. I fight a barrage of thoughts whenever I log into Instagram, and they are usually negative. 


Thoughts like, “That person’s content always does way better than mine.” “My reel didn’t do as well as I hoped.” “I won’t look at my story views today, it will probably depress me.” (immediately hits refresh on the reels tab to see what my views look like)


Is it just me or do you struggle with this too?


Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome and Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back


Let’s face it, imposter syndrome, doubts, and limiting beliefs are all part of chasing our dreams. (and I know we all have them!)


The important thing to remember is that we don’t have to let them hold us back. Easier said than done, I know.


We can push past these roadblocks and be stronger for them. I want to share two things that really helps me.


  1. I write affirming phrases on my cute whiteboard (yes, I got it from Target). I also write affirming phrases on sticky notes and put the up around my workspace. 


  1. I created a desktop wallpaper on canva that simply says “you got this” and it is always a pick-me-up when I see it. (sad, but true)


Success Is Not A Straight Line


I am a huge believer that your mindset goes a long way in determining how fulfilling your journey will be and the trajectory of your success. Remember, success is not a straight line. It often looks more like a jagged, squiggly line, gradually making its way upward and onward.


So much success comes from learning from our failures and bouncing back, armed with the knowledge that will keep us moving on.


Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset


A fixed mindset essentially leads you to believe that your abilities are fixed and can’t be changed or improved. A growth mindset allows you to believe that you are constantly developing and improving over time.


All the research on this topic has shown that people who choose to operate in a growth mindset are generally more resilient, motivated, and determined to move forward. (Which is exactly what I hope for you!)


A growth mindset puts you in control, allowing you to become a student of your own content and use each reel, story, post, live, etc… as a learning opportunity!


Think about the last piece of content you posted. Let’s pretend it didn’t do as well as you hoped and had lower than average performance. 

A fixed mindset would say, “Well, what did I expect? Of course it flopped. It wasn’t a great idea anyways, and no one really cares about what I have to say.”


A growth mindset would say, “The way my reel performed does not inform my identity. What can I learn from what went wrong? What can I learn from the insights? This was a good idea, but it could be better. I can work on creating a more compelling hook and try again tomorrow.”


Can you see the difference? Can you be that kind to yourself? Rule of thumb… if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, you probably shouldn’t say it to yourself. (Anyone else feeeeeel that??)


No More Holding Back


Take a moment to identify a limiting belief you’ve held onto. It could be any belief that has held you back from believing that you can reach your goals for your bookstagram, authorgram, or book biz account. (I recommend writing it down.)


Now, take that belief and reword it from a growth mindset perspective. How does that feel? Maybe a bit (read: a LOT) empowering?


Remember, you have a powerful message, a unique perspective, and a story worth telling. No one has lived the exact life that you’ve lived. There is an audience waiting for what you have to offer. Remember this next time you start to doubt yourself.


Don’t underestimate the power of surrounding yourself with people who will remind you of this and gently challenge your limiting beliefs so you can step into a growth mindset that empowers you to reach your goals.


The Bookstagram 101 community exists for exactly that. B101 is all about gaining the knowledge and tools you need to grow the bookstagram, authorgram, or book business platform of your dreams along with a supportive community of bookish besties who get you and your goals. Tap here to join the community today, see you inside!